Painting the Campaign Blue (and Black)
I've been working on painting the units of my Touman. The first unit I painted in the black and blue of the Star Adders was a Crab that I had procurred specifically for this unit.In painting the process of painting this unit I attended a painting class at GenghisCon put on by members of the Colorado Miniature Painters Alliance. I picked up a few tricks, including the importance of picking good brushes and the right paint. Painting the top of the Crab wasn't hard. Freehanding the logo's was a little harder. Painting the under-carriage was a major pain because the unit was already based and assembled and based when I got it.
The next unit I painted was the Phoenix Hawk that I covered in the entry on 3/20.
I took a few days off from painting. When I got back to it, I decided to work on Khan Absalom Truscott's Highlander; mostly because I've owned this Highlander for the better part of 20 years and have never gotten around to painting it. Now I had a reason and a paint scheme. According to CamoSpecs Online the unit should simply be black and deep blue with no trim. So I base-coated it in black and then dry brushed over it in blue. The exception to this was the left arm, that I painted blue with a thinned paint over white primer rather than dry brush.
To go along with him, he needs an operations commander: enter Star Colonel Emico N'Buta, a tanker by trade that commands a point of Rhino tanks.
Next painting installment: Painting the enemy
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